Saturday, November 30, 2019

Learning to Speak Like a Doctor free essay sample

I am the daughter of a neurologist and an oncologist, granddaughter of a gastroenterologist, sister of an emergency medical doctor and neuro-critical care specialist. Medical language is the native tongue in my house, and for 16 years I could not interpret any of it. It took a year and a life-changing experience for me to grasp â€Å"med speak.† â€Å"The MRI showed a four centimeter hemorrhage in the thalamus.† What does that mean? Will they ever stop talking about it? This was the dinner conversation at my house every night. My parents would talk about their day, and I would sit there clueless, bored, and silent, playing with the steak and green beans on my plate. Occasionally I could pick out a word or disease I recognized after hearing it mentioned so often. I would hear â€Å"lumbar† and think, That’s the lower back, or â€Å"spinal tap† and think, The test where they put a needle in the spine. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning to Speak Like a Doctor or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I could never keep up with my mom and dad’s conversation, but I didn’t really want to. One day, my mom was late and I was left sitting outside school in the Texas sun for 30 minutes. Something was not right. When I got into the truck, my mom was talking on the phone. I heard her say â€Å"metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma.† She was upset, and I knew she wasn’t talking about one of her patients. The only word I recognized was â€Å"carcinoma.† Carcinoma is cancer. When she finally hung up, she told me, â€Å"Dad has cancer.† Aside from the paralyzing shock, I had a billion questions: How bad is it? What kind? Where? Will he be okay?† If I had only taken the time to understand their dinnertime doctor talk, I might have had the answers. Those answers eventually came from my brother, Ryan, who was in medical school. Ryan sat at the computer and I sat on the floor by his feet as he explained our father’s diagnosis. He pulled up Dad’s scans on the screen, pointing out every tumor and explaining what could happen because of it. That night was my crash course in med speak. This time I asked questions and I made certain I knew what the words meant. By the time my dad passed away, I could understand the medical discussions. I did not feel like that naive little girl anymore. I felt intelligent and accomplished. Now I look at myself and realize it is so much more than understanding medical terminology. When I was younger I did not understand because I did not care. I did not take the initiative to learn. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, it hit me personally. It made me want to understand – not just the doctor talk but everything. I found a strength and independence in myself I never knew was there. I learned to handle my emotions like someone beyond my years. I drove myself to swim practice and 40 miles to school every day. I focused on my schoolwork without having to be bugged to do it. I took responsibility for myself. I grasped the doctor talk. I grew up.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Blue Winds Dancing

Homesickness can happen to anyone at a young age. The narrorator in this story was experiencing more than just missing mom and dad and the bed he laid in. The setting helped to illuminate the narrorator feelings toward being and Indian and towards being away from home. His thoughts were souring towards home as he tried study (Paragraph 1) Unable to study he drifts away in his thoughts thinking about the different aspects of his home (Paragraph 2). He is caught in his thoughts battling his present situation with the longing of going home (Paragraph 3). He is very aware of the beauty around him because of him being an Indian raised on a reservation. He can appreciate the orderly fashion of the palm trees and orange trees but continues to sore to his home in his thoughts (Paragraph 3). His thoughts continue to set the setting for where he is and where he longs to be, home. He has the normal thoughts of a college student. Thinking he was not able to keep up with school stating, â€Å"Maybe I am just not smart enough to grasp these things that go to make up civilization† (Paragraph 7). His thoughts turn to action as he decides to catch a ride on a freight train. Throughout the entire journey of this young man, he has very negative thoughts towards being in the white man society stating, â€Å"it is terrible to have to feel inferior†(Paragraph 9). However, he seemed to be very upset when he saw an Indian woman colored in sashes selling bits of pottery (Paragraph 15). This explains his going to college. As he approaches his destination he thoughts brings about a new battle in his mind facing his father in his people (Paragraph 20). At the same time, he describes a very fresh and delightful scene on the way home (Paragraph 22). He absorbs everything he sees along the... Free Essays on Blue Winds Dancing Free Essays on Blue Winds Dancing Homesickness can happen to anyone at a young age. The narrorator in this story was experiencing more than just missing mom and dad and the bed he laid in. The setting helped to illuminate the narrorator feelings toward being and Indian and towards being away from home. His thoughts were souring towards home as he tried study (Paragraph 1) Unable to study he drifts away in his thoughts thinking about the different aspects of his home (Paragraph 2). He is caught in his thoughts battling his present situation with the longing of going home (Paragraph 3). He is very aware of the beauty around him because of him being an Indian raised on a reservation. He can appreciate the orderly fashion of the palm trees and orange trees but continues to sore to his home in his thoughts (Paragraph 3). His thoughts continue to set the setting for where he is and where he longs to be, home. He has the normal thoughts of a college student. Thinking he was not able to keep up with school stating, â€Å"Maybe I am just not smart enough to grasp these things that go to make up civilization† (Paragraph 7). His thoughts turn to action as he decides to catch a ride on a freight train. Throughout the entire journey of this young man, he has very negative thoughts towards being in the white man society stating, â€Å"it is terrible to have to feel inferior†(Paragraph 9). However, he seemed to be very upset when he saw an Indian woman colored in sashes selling bits of pottery (Paragraph 15). This explains his going to college. As he approaches his destination he thoughts brings about a new battle in his mind facing his father in his people (Paragraph 20). At the same time, he describes a very fresh and delightful scene on the way home (Paragraph 22). He absorbs everything he sees along the...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana

The Anzick Clovis Burial Site in Montana The Anzick site is a human burial which occurred approximately 13,000 years ago, part of the late Clovis culture, Paleoindian hunter-gatherers who were among the earliest colonizers of the western hemisphere. The burial in Montana was of a two-year-old boy, buried beneath an entire Clovis period stone tool kit, from rough cores to finished projectile points. DNA analysis of a fragment of the boys bones revealed that he was closely related to Native American people of Central and South America, rather than those of the Canadian and Arctic, supporting the multiple waves theory of colonization. Evidence and Background The Anzick site, sometimes called the Wilsall-Arthur site and designated as Smithsonian 24PA506, is a human burial site dated to the Clovis period, ~10,680 RCYBP. Anzick is located in a sandstone outcrop on Flathead Creek, approximately one mile (1.6 kilometers) south of the town of Wilsall in southwestern Montana in the northwestern United States. Buried deep beneath a talus deposit, the site was likely part of an ancient collapsed rock shelter. Overlying deposits contained a profusion of bison bones, possibly representing a buffalo jump, where animals were stampeded off a cliff and then butchered. The Anzick burial was discovered in 1969 by two construction workers, who collected human remains from two individuals and approximately 90 stone tools, including eight complete fluted Clovis projectile points, 70 large bifaces and at least six complete and partial atlatl foreshafts made from mammal bones. The finders reported that all of the objects were coated in a thick layer of red ocher, a common burial practice for Clovis and other Pleistocene hunter-gatherers. DNA Studies In 2014, a DNA study of the human remains from Anzick was reported in Nature (see Rasmussen et al.). Bone fragments from the Clovis period burial were subjected to DNA analysis, and the results found that the Anzick child was a boy, and he (and thus Clovis people in general) is closely related to Native American groups from Central and South America, but not to later migrations of Canadian and Arctic groups. Archaeologists have long argued that the Americas were colonized in several waves of populations crossing the Bering Strait from Asia, the most recent being that of the Arctic and Canadian groups; this study supports that. The research (to an extent) contradicts the Solutrean hypothesis, a suggestion that Clovis derives from Upper Paleolithic European migrations into the Americas. No connection to European Upper Paleolithic genetics was identified within the Anzick childs remains, and so the research lends strong support for the Asian origin of the American colonization. One remarkable aspect of the 2014 Anzick study is the direct participation and support of several local Native American tribes in the research, a purposeful choice made by lead researcher Eske Willerslev, and a marked difference in approach and results from the Kennewick Man studies of nearly 20 years ago. Features at Anzick Excavations and interviews with the original finders in 1999 revealed that the bifaces and projectile points had been stacked tightly within a small pit measuring 3x3 feet (.9x.9 meters)  and buried between about 8 ft (2.4 m) of the talus slope. Beneath the stone tools was the burial of an infant aged 1-2 years of age and represented by 28 cranial fragments, the left clavicle and three ribs, all stained with red ochre. The human remains were dated by AMS radiocarbon dating to 10,800 RCYBP, calibrated to 12,894 calendar years ago (cal BP). A second set of human remains, consisting of the bleached, partial cranium of a  6-8-year-old child, were also found by the original discoverers: this cranium among all the other objects was not stained by red ochre. Radiocarbon dates on this cranium revealed that the older child was from the American Archaic, 8600 RCYBP, and scholars believe it was from an intrusive burial unrelated to the Clovis burial. Two complete and several partial bone implements made from the long bones of an unidentified mammal were recovered from Anzick, representing between four and six complete tools. The tools have similar maximum widths (15.5-20 millimeters, .6-.8 inches) and thicknesses (11.1-14.6 mm, .4-.6 in), and each has a beveled end within the range of 9-18 degrees. The two measurable lengths are 227 and 280 mm (9.9 and 11 in). The beveled ends are cross-hatched and smeared with a black resin, perhaps a hafting agent or glue, a typical decorative/construction method for bone tools used as atlatl or spear foreshafts. Lithic Technology The assemblage of stone tools recovered from the Anzick (Wilke et al) by the original finders and the subsequent excavations included ~112 (sources vary) stone tools, including large bifacial flake cores, smaller bifaces, Clovis point blanks and preforms, and polished and beveled cylindrical bone tools. The collection at Anzick includes all reduction stages of Clovis technology, from large cores of prepared stone tools to finished Clovis points, making Anzick unique. The assemblage represents a diverse collection of high quality, (probably un-heat-treated) microcrystalline chert used to make the tools, predominantly chalcedony (66%), but lesser amounts of moss agate (32%), phosporia chert and porcellanite. The largest point in the collection is 15.3 centimeters (6 inches) long and some of the preforms measure between 20-22 cm (7.8-8.6 in), quite long for Clovis points, although most are more typically sized. The majority of stone tools fragments exhibit use wear, abrasions or edge damage which must have occurred during use, suggesting this was definitely a working toolkit, and not simply artifacts made for the burial. See Jones for detailed lithic analysis. Archaeology Anzick was accidentally discovered by construction workers in 1968  and professionally excavated by Dee C. Taylor (then at the University of Montana) in 1968, and in 1971 by Larry Lahren (Montana State) and Robson Bonnichsen (University of Alberta), and by Lahren again in 1999. Sources Beck C, and Jones GT. 2010. Clovis and Western Stemmed: Population Migration and the Meeting of Two Technologies in the Intermountain West. American Antiquity 75(1):81-116.Jones JS. 1996. The Anzick Site: Analysis of a Clovis Burial Assemblage. Corvallis: Oregon State University.Owsley DW, and Hunt DR. 2001. Clovis and Early Archaic Period Crania from the Anzick Site (24PA506), Park County, Montana. Plains Anthropologist 46(176):115-124.Rasmussen M, Anzick SL, Waters MR, Skoglund P, DeGiorgio M, Stafford Jr TW, Rasmussen S, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Doyle SM et al. 2014. The genome of a Late Pleistocene human from a Clovis burial site in western Montana. Nature 506:225-229.Stafford TWJ. 1994. Accelerator C-14 dating of human fossil skeletons: Assessing accuracy and results on New World specimens. In: Bonnichsen R, and Steele DG, editors. Method and Theory for Investigating the Peopling of the Americas. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. p 45-55.Wilke PJ, Flenniken JJ, and Ozb un TL. 1991. Clovis Technology at the Anzick Site, Montana. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 13(2):242-272.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


3D MODELING USING PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS - Essay Example First, I am grateful to the University for granting me the opportunity to pursue the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in this institution. Second, I wish to thank to my Supervisor for the guidance and committed support offered to see me through my doctorate studies. Third, I remain indebted to all the persons, corporate and individual for volunteering their time to provide the requisite information, which has been processed to form the substance of this Thesis. Finally, I acknowledge the support of my academic colleagues for their positive critique of my work, for advising me and keeping me company throughout the academic journey. To all those who supported me in one way or another but have not been mentioned individually, accept my gratitude. ABSTRACT The mathematical modeling of the real world images is mostly dominated by partial differential equations. The major challenge that has disturbed most players in this industry of geometric modeling and use of computer graphics is the manufac ture of representative human facial geometrical images. Such geometries are crucial for an extensive range of uses, such as in 3D face recognition. The same can be used in virtual realism presentations, facial appearance simulations and computer-based plastic surgery applications. The main objective of this paper was to address methods used for the construction of 3D geometry/modeling of human faces founded on the use of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and to enable the compression of those 3D data for faster transmission over the internet. In this study, the corresponding geometry to a face is applied as a set of surface patches, with each patch represented using boundary curves in the 3-space thus, formulating the suitable boundary settings for the selected PDE. The boundary curves are removed automatically by the use of 3D information of human faces acquired by means of a 3D scanner. In this study, through the use of certain experimental confirmations it is shown that the ef fectiveness of the partial differential equations (PDE) based method for 3D facial surface reconstruction using scanned data effectively addresses the topic of this study. Additionally, I have also shown that the methodology makes available a well-organized way of representing facial images by the use of small sets of restrictions that could be exploited for effectual storage of the facial data and quick verification of the same. For further research, the study recommends the need for its replication in other universities or scaling up to the national or international levels. Chapter 3 Efficient 3D Data Compression through Parameterization of Free-Form Surface Patches This study seeks to present a new technique for 3D data compression centered on the parameterization of surface patches. The successful usage of the procedure requires that it be applied to data which can be easily defined as single-valued functions. Such a scenario is the case for 3D patches that are obtained by the u se of standard 3D scanners. Another significant feature with this technique is that, it defines the number of mesh cutting planes, while the connection or intersection of the planes on the mesh defines a set of sampling points. An explicit structure that allows for the parametrical definition of both x and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial Accounting questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Accounting questions - Assignment Example With goodwill, new avenues open up for the company and it’s able to tap into fresh opportunities. Clients of a company are usually more willing to forgive it when it makes a mistake if it has built a good relationship with them. If a company ever needs to liaise with others or expand or sell, with goodwill it’s much easier to get partners and buyers for the business due to the trust placed in it. Goodwill places the company ahead of competition as customers are more likely to favour the company with goodwill when making a decision on which products and services to consume (Weil, Schip & Francis, 2014). As interest rates rise, prices of bonds fall and when interest rates drop, bond prices rise. This is due to the concept of opportunity cost. Investors compare the returns they are getting on their present investments to other investments in the market. A bond coupon rate is fixed; therefore investors are ready to pay extra or less for a bond depending on how attractive the interest rates. Suppose a company offers a new issue of bonds carrying a 7%coupon which is $70 a year in interest. If you purchase a $1000, then later, interest rates go up to 8%, it means the interest will be $80 and buyers will be less willing to pay the face value of $1000 for the bond and you would have to offer it at a discount. However, if interest rates fell, it would be more attractive to prospective buyers as it would be carrying a higher interest rate than whatever is already in the market. Leasing might be preferred by a company because it eases up the cash flow of the company that can be directed to other operating activities. It also takes a shorter time compared to purchasing which involves a long and tedious procurement process. With leasing, the costs are spread over a long time and can thus be matched to the company’s income. The interest rates are agreed upon beforehand hence

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Displays the result Essay Example for Free

Displays the result Essay To improve legibility the comments are displayed to the right of every TOM line of code, and not in the standard style. read keyin Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin load keyin Loads data from the store location keyin in to the accumulator sub minus Subtracts the store location minus from the accumulator store display Stores value in accumulator in the store location display print display Displays contents of the store location display on the screen stop Stops program execution minus data. 1 Initialises a store location minus with the value 1 in it keyin data 0 Initialises a store location keyin with the value 0 in it display data 0 Initialises a store location display with the value 0 in it 2. Write a TOM program that reads a number from the keyboard, multiplies it by 2, reads another number b from the keyboard, multiplies it by 3, and then displays the result. In other words, evaluate 2*a+3*b. read keyin1 Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin1 load keyin1 Loads data from the store location keyin1 in to the accumulator mult val1 Multiplies the accumulator by the store location val1 store display Stores value in accumulator in the store location display read keyin2. Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin2 load keyin2 Loads data from the store location keyin2 in to the accumulator mult val2 Multiplies the accumulator by the store location val2 add display Adds the store location display to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen stop Stops program execution val1 data 2 Initialises a store location val1 with the value 2 in it val2 data. 3 Initialises a store location val2 with the value 3 in it keyin1 data 0 Initialises a store location keyin1 with the value 0 in it keyin2 data 0 Initialises a store location keyin2 with the value 0 in it display data 0 Initialises a store location display with the value 0 in it total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it 3. Write a TOM program that displays two numbers, entered from the keyboard, in descending numerical order. read keyin1 Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin1 read keyin2. Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin2 load keyin1 Loads data from the store location keyin1 in to the accumulator sub keyin2 Subtracts the store location keyin2 from the accumulator jifz lower Transfers control to the instruction lower if the zero flag is set print keyin1 Displays contents of the store location keyin1 on the screen print keyin2 Displays contents of the store location keyin2 on the screen stop Stops program execution lower print keyin2 Displays contents of the store location keyin2 on the screen print keyin1. Displays contents of the store location keyin1 on the screen stop Stops program execution keyin1 data 0 Initialises a store location keyin1 with the value 0 in it keyin2 data 0 Initialises a store location keyin2 with the value 0 in it 4. Write a TOM program that reads a number N from the keyboard and displays the sum of all integers from 1 to N i. e. 1+2+3+ +N. read keyin. Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin loop load sofar Loads data from the store location sofar in to the accumulator add one Adds the store location one to the accumulator store sofar Stores value in accumulator in the store location sofar add total Adds the store location total to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total load sofar Loads data from the store location sofar in to the accumulator sub keyin Subtracts the store location keyin from the accumulator jifn loop. Transfers control to the instruction loop if the sign flag is set print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen stop Stops program execution keyin data 0 Initialises a store location keyin with the value 0 in it one data 1 Initialises a store location one with the value 1 in it sofar data 0 Initialises a store location sofar with the value 0 in it total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it Alternatively, a more mathematical approach would be to use the below program. Observing the numbers inputted and outputted from the above program, I was able to find a relationship between the two numbers, this can be summarised by the below formula: (N x 0. 5) + 0. 5 x N = TOTAL The program using the above formula is simpler to write, uses far less processor cycles, and therefore far more efficient. read keyin Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location keyin load keyin Loads data from the store location keyin in to the accumulator mult val Multiplies. the accumulator by the store location val add val Adds the store location val to the accumulator mult keyin Multiplies the accumulator by the store location keyin store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen stop Stops program execution keyin data 0 Initialises a store location keyin with the value 0 in it val data . 5 Initialises a store location val with the value 0. 5 in it total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it TOM2 1. A mobile telephone company, Odear, makes a monthly standing charge of i 12. 50 and charges 5 pence per local call. Write a TOM program that reads the amount of calls made and displays the total monthly bill. read calls Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location calls load calls Loads data from the store location calls in to the accumulator mult rate Multiplies the accumulator by the store location rate add standing Adds the store location standing to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen stop Stops program execution total data. 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it calls data 0 Initialises a store location calls with the value 0 in it standing data 12. 50 Initialises a store location standing with the value 12. 50 in it rate data . 05 Initialises a store location rate with the value . 05 in it 2. Expand your program of (1) so that the program jumps back to the beginning, ready to calculate another bill instead of ending. start read calls Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location calls load calls Loads data from the store location calls in to the accumulator mult rate. Multiplies the accumulator by the store location rate add standing Adds the store location standing to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen jump start Transfers control to the instruction start stop Stops program execution total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it calls data 0 Initialises a store location calls with the value 0 in it standing data 12. 50 Initialises a store location standing with the value 12. 50 in it rate data . 05 Initialises a store location rate with the value . 05 in it 3. Whats wrong with the program in (2)? The program has no way of ending (normally), and will therefore loop continuously. 4. Modify (2) so that if the user enters 0 for the number of units the program terminates. start read calls Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location calls load calls Loads data from the store location calls in to the accumulator sub check Subtracts the store location check from the accumulator jifz end Transfers control to the instruction end if the zero flag is set mult rate. Multiplies the accumulator by the store location rate add standing Adds the store location standing to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen jump start Transfers control to the instruction start end stop Stops program execution total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it calls data 0 Initialises a store location calls with the value 0 in it standing data 12. 50 Initialises a store location standing with the value 12. 50 in it rate data . 05 Initialises a store location rate with the value . 05 in it check data 0 Initialises a store location check with the value 0 in it 5. Now modify (4) so that the user can tell the system how many bills to calculate and the program terminates after running that many times. read billnum Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location billnum start read calls Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location calls load calls Loads data from the store location calls in to the accumulator mult rate Multiplies the accumulator by the store location rate add standing. Adds the store location standing to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen load billnum Loads data from the store location billnum in to the accumulator sub billsub Subtracts the store location billsub from the accumulator store billnum Stores value in accumulator in the store location billnum jifz end Transfers control to the instruction end if the zero flag is set jump start. Transfers control to the instruction start end stop Stops program execution total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it calls data 0 Initialises a store location calls with the value 0 in it standing data 12. 50 Initialises a store location standing with the value 12. 50 in it rate data . 05 Initialises a store location rate with the value . 05 in it billnum data 0 Initialises a store location billnum with the value 0 in it billsub data 1 Initialises a store location billsub with the value 1 in it 6. Finally, modify the program of (5) so that the user can first enter the price per unit, and the standing charge. Read rate Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location rate read standing Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location standing read billnum Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location billnum start read calls Reads data inputted by keyboard and stores in the store location calls load calls Loads data from the store location calls in to the accumulator mult rate Multiplies the accumulator by the store location rate add standing. Adds the store location standing to the accumulator store total Stores value in accumulator in the store location total print total Displays contents of the store location total on the screen load billnum Loads data from the store location billnum in to the accumulator sub billsub Subtracts the store location billsub from the accumulator store billnum Stores value in accumulator in the store location billnum jifz end Transfers control to the instruction end if the zero flag is set jump start. Transfers control to the instruction start end stop Stops program execution total data 0 Initialises a store location total with the value 0 in it calls data 0 Initialises a store location calls with the value 0 in it standing data 0 Initialises a store location standing with the value 0 in it rate data 0 Initialises a store location rate with the value 0 in it billnum data 0 Initialises a store location billnum with the value 0 in it billsub data 1 Initialises a store location billsub with the value 1 in it Modifications in TOM2 In question 1, the program initialises four store locations; rate to store the standard call rate of 0. 5, standing to store the standing charge of 12. 50, calls to store the number of calls made and total to store the total bill. The programs reads a value inputted by the user (number of calls), multiplies this value by the call rate, adds the standing order and displays it. Question 2 introduces a loop after the total has been displayed to the start of the program so that user may calculate another bill, this however is not ideal as there is no correct way to terminate the program normally. Question 4 combats this problem by allowing the user to enter 0 to terminate the program. This is done by introducing an additional store location called check with the value 0 assigned to it. The program subtracts check from the number of calls entered, if the result is 0 (0 0 = 0) then the zero flag is set, the jifz statement then transfers control to the end of the program, where it terminates normally. Question 5, in addition to the store location used in question 1 introduces two more; billnum to store the number of bills required and billsub, a store location containing the value 1. The user initially enters the number of bills required, this is stored in billnum, the program then calculates the bill in same way as question 1. After the bill has been displayed, the program subtracts billsub (1) from the number of bills, if the result is zero (ie no more bill to calculate) the zero flag is set, and using the jifz statement jumps to the end of the program. If the zero flag is not set (more bills to calculate) the program is looped back to enter more bill details. Question 6, allows the user to enter the standing charge, rate of calls and number of bills before the bills are calculated, these are stored in their respective locations (standing, rate and billnum) before the program continues to execute in the same way as question 5. CSO Tutorial 4 Exercise 2. 1 We wish to compare the performance of two different machines: M1 and M2. The following measurements have been made on these machines: Program Time on M1 Time on M2 1 10 seconds 5 seconds 2 3 seconds 4 seconds Which machine is faster for each program and by how much? For program 1, M2 is 5 seconds(or 100%) faster than M1. For program 2, M1 is 1 second (or 25%) faster than M2. Exercise 2. 2 Consider the two machines and programs in Exercise 2. 1. The following additional measurements were made: Program. Instructions executed on M1 Instructions executed on M2 1 200 x 106 160 x 106 Find the instruction execution rate (instructions per second) for each machine running program 1. Instructions executed = Instructions per second (instruction execution rate) time(seconds) M1 200000000 = 20000000 10 = 20 x 106 Instructions per second or 20 Million Instructions per second M2 160000000 = 32000000 5 = 32 x 106 Instructions per second or 32 Million Instructions per second Exercise 2. 3 If the clock rates of machines M1 and M2 in Ex 2. 1 are 200 MHz and 300 MHz respectively, find the clock cycles per instruction (CPI) for program 1 on both machines using the data in Ex 2. 1 2. 2. Clock rate = clock cycles per instruction (CPI) Instruction execution rate M1 200000000 = 10 clock cycles per instruction (CPI) 20000000 M2 300000000 = 9. 375 clock cycles per instruction (CPI) 32000000 Question 4 Draw a full flowchart of the final TOM program produced at the end of exercise TOM2. This should include all the instructions, loops and all the program labels in the appropriate places.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In a Grove :: essays research papers

Louis Andrei Zabala Litera2 10335625 07/11/05 In A Grove It is a story that provides the ultimate explanation of how two different people who are witnesses to a crime give completely different psychological recollections of the same event. The author reminds us that truth depends on the telling. Someone must step forward and tell that truth. I believe that no matter how many times you read "In A Grove," there's not enough information in the story to figure out the truth about what took place on the day of the samurai's death, but it's still fun to sort out what you think you know for sure, what seems highly probable, what seems highly improbable, and what doesn't fit into any of these three categories. But for me, "In A Grove" isn't about searching for some kind of absolute truth — it's about how differently people perceive the same external event. The best example in the story of what I mean by this is perhaps the sword fight between the bandit and the samurai. The bandit perceived it as a heroic duel between a pair of honorable, expert swordsmen while the woodsman saw two scared, clumsy men stumbling around with swords in their hands as each tried desperately to prevail over the other any way he could. When it's all said and done, you won't know who is telling the truth, who is lying and, mos t importantly, why. Yet the parable is more important, today, perhaps, as a lesson in how we construct the narratives upon which justice depends: What facts must we know to decide the truth? That question makes the author’s inquiry the concern of those who now seek justice in the GMA presidency, as well. And it doesn't matter one bit. The writer isn't interested in truth, lies or anything of the sort. He's interested in reality, and the reality of human truth is that no one will ever really know it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Redemption and survival Essay

The novel by Victor Hugo entitled Les Miserables is story that looks into the life of John Valjean and his exploits towards awakening, redemption and survival. It depicts his transformation from a galley prisoner towards a new man. It conveys the different decisions and actions committed by a man towards choosing his path in life. Likewise, there are other characters that intertwine and provide relevant impact in Jean Valjean’s life and growth as an individual. Moreover, the setting of the story outlines the significance of societal factors that has been influential in the creation of decisions and actions that transpired in the duration of the story. Analyzing the different themes presented by Hugo in this story, one significant element in present in the idea is the element of morals, values, and perceptions. Looking at it, John Valjean is convicted because of stealing bread and was sent to the galleys. Upon his escape, he became aware of the prejudice and bias that society has given him. In here, Hugo was able to showcase the transformation of Jean Valjean from a criminal into an honest man with the help of the Bishop Myriel. Hugo mentions this in the novel by saying that â€Å"Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil, but to good. It is your soul I am buying for you. I withdraw it from dark thoughts and from the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God! † (p. 106). Another significant element that makes the book worth reading is its ability to showcase that amidst the presence of darkness and suffering, redemption do happens and it creates and avenues for change to occur. This was evident in the novel as different books presented these ideas in a different manner. For example, the suffering of Fantine and Cosette to survive was alleviated by Jean Valjean’s adoption of Cosette. Likewise, the suffering of Jean Valjean for acceptance and worth was compensated by becoming the Mayor M. Madeleine and serving the needs of people. The ability of the story to present the realities and harshness of life is also an interesting part to consider. Hugo was able to outline the significant areas that surround ones mind as he synthesizes them and provides the development for the characters. This was stated when Hugo said that â€Å"The generation now having its passing turn on earth is not compelled to abridge it for the generations, its equals after all, that will have their turn afterward . . . Hence, at certain periods, a deep chill on the magnanimous vanguard of the human race. † (p. 1242). Exploring on the idea of change, I would have to agree with the idea of Hugo that it happens because of ones ability to decide for their own. Whatever the outcome may be, it is their relevant that individuals use it for their own growth. This is the process for one to cultivate the totality of humanity and what it’s supposed to be. As Hugo argues, â€Å"from one end to the other; in its whole and in its details, whatever the omissions, the exceptions, or the faults – is the march from evil to good, from injustice to justice, from the false to the true, from night to day, from appetite to conscience, from rottenness to life, from brutality to duty, from Hell to Heaven, from nothingness to God† (p. 1242). Lastly, I would have to agree with the notion of Hugo that time and love can transcend betrayal and deception. This has been present and evident in various situations experienced by Jean Valjean. One significant example is the quote which says â€Å"by which the writing reversed on the blotter was corrected by the mirror and presented its original form; and Jean Valjean had beneath his eyes the letter Cosette had written Marius the evening before It was simple and devastating† (p. 1152). Though this situation did happen, Jean Valjean began to accept Marius as his own which came to a point of even rescuing him from the conflict and struggle. This is one manifestation of how the overall idea of love can help overcome and provide new avenues for change. By reading this book, I came to appreciate the situations happening around. It gave me the idea that our decisions can affect what our lives would be in the future. Likewise, it is through love, compassion and forgiveness that individuals, groups, and societies can overcome the hurdles and challenges brought about by pain, deception, deceit and violence. Overall, the book offers various areas that open up the mind of readers of the possibilities and realities that are happening. Hugo was able to convey a mixture of feelings that cultivate a total experience once reading the novel. In here, he combines the familiar facets of politics, religion, romance, and social situations that make the process of understanding significant and timeless in its own right. To conclude, the themes and issues presented in the book can be summarized by Hugo’s quote which says â€Å"The history of men is reflected in the history of cloacae† (p. 1462). In here, it just shows how one can grow and pursue life depending on what we take inside. It means that the actions, values, ideals, and perceptions that we accommodate and acquire dictate what we are and what we can become. This influences our actions and decisions in life as we find new ways to live according to the standards and changes happening.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Discuss the Influence That Social Networking Plays in Society Today? Essay

How, and to what extent, has it re-defined social relationships and is this generationally specific? Social Networking plays an important role in society today; it will be argued that social networking has redefined social relationships and that this effect is generationally specific (Salman,2009) Social Networking sites such as Facebook have had a profound effect on personal relationships. The twenty first century is an imprisoned atmosphere where the Internet is the most prominent method of communication. Its users will most probably argue that using these social networking sites have had no direct impact on how they interact with others or have any direct affect on their social relationships, that in fact social networking sites had increased their participation in social activities and contact with their friends and family (APS 2010). However, with its increasing popularity and high usage, social networking has become the new way to â€Å"socialize†. In the past people developed social relationships through interaction face to face, by mail, by telephone, and in person, however there have been dramatic changes since the impact of the internet and sites like Facebook. These sites allow people to create online profiles, upload pictures and disburse personal information to their online allies which allows users to proclaim a perception of identity lived through a technological world. â€Å"These sites allow informal, 24 hour communication regardless of physical proximity†. The â€Å"social grid† boasting 175 million users, has been found to be â€Å"positive for social relations† (Kang,2010, p1) but according to the research I have undertaken, I will argue otherwise. To strengthen my argument I will use statistics from a survey that was conducted by The Australian Psychological Society (2010) with a total of 1,834 respondents. Fourteen percent of the survey respondents were male and seventy three percent were female. Thirteen percent of respondents chose not to disclose their gender (APS, 2010). Concerns about excessive use of online social networking were investigated. 0% of the participants felt a need to log on to these sites several times a day and believed that they wasted time on these sites, however 53% had declared that using social networking sites had increased their participation in social activities. (APS, 2010). Further studies into the effects social networking sites had on how people communicate with each other indicated that internet communication may supplement traditional social interaction like talking face to face and making time to see the other person in physical figure. Cyber bullying was also an expression of concern, particularly among children and adolescents with 28% of respondents reporting inappropriate and distressing behaviour whilst online (APS,2010). A few of the tasteless behaviours included abusive messages and harassment which is not only upsetting but can severely affect how someone feels about how they communicate with others and may feel a need to shut themselves out further from society in fear of abuse and confrontation. Some other disadvantages in using online social networking included: concerns about how catching up with friends had become increasingly non existent and a fear that using online social networking would become addictive. A study conducted by Chak and Lueng (2004) concluded that the more a person is addicted to the Internet, the shyer the person is, which will reflect the way that person communicates in the outside world where face to face interaction is significant. With Internet addiction fast becoming a popular enslavement, studies have indicated that some patterns of Internet use are associated with loneliness, shyness, anxiety, depression and self-consciousness. (Chak & Lueng 2004) which in turn will affect your social relationships. Valkenburg, Peter & Shoulten (2006) investigated the consequences of friend networking sites with negative feedback illustrating a decline in self esteem and well being. However, the positive feedback indicated that social networking sites had increased their social self esteem and well being. Although the association between Internet use and subsequent social support is negative, the effect is not statistically significant. People who use the internet more subsequently reported larger increases in loneliness while greater use of the internet was associated with increased depression at a subsequent period (Social Tech Science, 2010). â€Å"Social networking displaces face-to-face time: an hour longer spent on the Internet has been shown to equate to half an hour less face-to-face time in a day† (Social Tech Science, 2010, p1). The explosion in Social Networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook is broadly regarded as an exciting opportunity, especially for youth as they are more inclined to embrace the new technologies that are becoming increasingly available, although a study conducted by Kennedy (2009) found that the fastest growing demographic on Social Networking Sites were women aged 55 and older, and Facebook users older than 35 had doubled by the end of March 2009. This proves that Social Networking really has nothing to do with age but with society wanting to embrace new technologies to enhance their personal and professional lives. The results from the research I have gathered demonstrate that social networking sites do have a profound influence on society and it re-defines social relationships. However, it is not generationally specific. â€Å"In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media†. (Gordhamer,2009). Although there is a lot of research to support the argument that Social Networking Sites are the most beneficial form of communication and boosts self esteem and well being, we cannot ignore the body of evidence that suggests the impact social media has on our personal and professional lives.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Battle of Valcour Island in the American Revolution

Battle of Valcour Island in the American Revolution The Battle of Valcour Island was fought October 11, 1776, during the American Revolution (1775-1783) and saw American forces on Lake Champlain clash with the British. Having abandoned the invasion of Canada, the Americans realized that a naval force would be needed to block the British on Lake Champlain. Organized by  Brigadier General Benedict Arnold, work began on a small fleet. Completed in fall 1776, this force met a larger British squadron near Valcour Island. While the British got the better of the action, Arnold and his men were able to escape south. While a tactical defeat for the Americans, the delay caused by both sides having to build fleets prevented the British from invading from the north in 1776. This allowed the Americans to regroup and be prepared for the decisive Saratoga Campaign the following year. Background In the wake of their defeat at the Battle of Quebec in late 1775, American forces attempted to maintain a loose siege of the city. This ended in early May 1776 when British reinforcements arrived from overseas. This forced the Americans to fall back to Montreal. American reinforcements, led by Brigadier General John Sullivan, also arrived in Canada during this period. Seeking to regain the initiative, Sullivan attacked a British force on June 8 at Trois-Rivià ¨res, but was badly defeated. Retreating up the St. Lawrence, he was determined to hold a position near Sorel at the confluence with the Richelieu River. Recognizing the hopelessness of the American situation in Canada, Brigadier General Benedict Arnold, commanding at Montreal, convinced Sullivan that a more prudent course was to retreat south up the Richelieu in order to better secure American territory. Abandoning their positions in Canada, the remnants of the American army traveled south finally halting at Crown Point on the western shore of Lake Champlain. Commanding the rear guard, Arnold ensured that any resources that could benefit the British along the line of retreat were destroyed. A former merchant captain, Arnold understood that command of Lake Champlain was critical to any advance south into New York and the Hudson Valley. As such, he made sure his men burned the sawmill at St. Johns and destroyed all boats that could not be used. When Arnolds men rejoined the army, American forces on the lake consisted of four small vessels mounting a total of 36 guns. The force that they re-united with was a shambles as it lacked adequate supplies and shelter, as well as was suffering from a variety of diseases. In an effort to improve the situation, Sullivan was replaced with Major General Horatio Gates. A Naval Race Advancing in pursuit, the governor of Canada, Sir Guy Carleton, sought to attack down Lake Champlain with the goal of reaching the Hudson and linking up with British forces operating against New York City. Reaching St. Johns, it became clear that a naval force would need to be assembled to sweep the Americans from the lake so that his troops could safely advance. Establishing a shipyard at St. Johns, work began on three schooners, a radeau (gun barge), and twenty gunboats. In addition, Carleton ordered that the 18-gun sloop-of-war HMS Inflexible be dismantled on the St. Lawrence and transported overland to St. Johns. The naval activity was matched by Arnold who established a shipyard at Skenesborough. As Gates was inexperienced in naval matters, construction of the fleet was largely delegated to his subordinate. Work progressed slowly as skilled shipwrights and naval stores were in short supply in upstate New York. Offering extra pay, the Americans were able to assemble the necessary manpower. As vessels were completed they were shifted to nearby Fort Ticonderoga to be fitted out. Working frantically through the summer, the yard produced three 10-gun galleys and eight 3-gun gundalows. Fleets Commanders Americans Brigadier General Benedict Arnold15 galleys, gundalows, schooners, and gunboats British Sir Guy CarletonCaptain Thomas Pringle25 armed vessels Maneuvering to Battle As the fleet grew, Arnold, commanding from the schooner Royal Savage (12 guns), began aggressively patrolling the lake. As the end of September neared, he began to anticipate the more powerful British fleet sailing. Seeking an advantageous place for battle, he positioned his fleet behind Valcour Island. Since his fleet was smaller and his sailors inexperienced, he believed that the narrow waters would limit the British advantage in firepower and reduce the need to maneuver. This location was resisted by many of his captains who wished to fight in open water which would allow a retreat to Crown Point or Ticonderoga. Shifting his flag to the galley Congress (10), the American line was anchored by the galleys Washington (10) and Trumbull (10), as well as the schooners Revenge (8) and Royal Savage, and sloop Enterprise (12). These were supported by the eight gundalows (3 guns each) and the cutter Lee (5). Departing on October 9, Carletons fleet, overseen by Captain Thomas Pringle, sailed south with 50 support vessels in tow. Led by Inflexible, Pringle also possessed the schooners Maria (14), Carleton (12), and Loyal Convert (6), the radeau Thunderer (14), and 20 gunboats (1 each). The Fleets Engage Sailing south with a favorable wind on October 11, the British fleet passed the northern tip of Valcour Island. In an effort to draw Carletons attention, Arnold sent out Congress and Royal Savage. After a brief exchange of fire, both vessels attempted to return to the American line. Beating against the wind, Congress succeeded in regaining its position, but Royal Savage was plagued by the headwinds and ran aground on the southern tip of the island. Quickly attacked by British gunboats, the crew abandoned ship and it was boarded by men from Loyal Convert (Map). This possession proved brief as American fire quickly drove them from the schooner. Rounding the island, Carleton and the British gunboats came into action and the battle began in earnest around 12:30 PM. Maria and Thunderer were unable to make headway against the winds and did not participate. While Inflexible struggled against the wind to join the fight, Carleton became the focus of American fire. Though dealing out punishment on the American line, the schooner suffered heavy casualties and after taking substantial damage was towed to safety. Also during the fight, the gundalow Philadelphia was critically hit and sank around 6:30 PM. The Tide Turns Around sunset, Inflexible came into action and began reducing Arnolds fleet. Out-gunning the entire American fleet, the sloop-of-war battered its smaller opponents. With the tide turned, only darkness prevented the British from completing their victory. Understanding the he could not defeat the British and with most of his fleet damaged or sinking, Arnold began planning an escape south to Crown Point. Utilizing a dark and foggy night, and with oars muffled, his fleet succeeded in sneaking through the British line. By morning they had reached Schuyler Island. Angered that the Americans had escaped, Carleton began a pursuit. Moving slowly, Arnold was forced to abandon damaged vessels en route before the approaching British fleet forced him to burn his remaining ships in Buttonmold Bay. Aftermath American losses at Valcour Island numbered around 80 killed and 120 captured. In addition, Arnold lost 11 of the 16 vessels he had on the lake. British losses totaled around 40 killed and three gunboats. Reaching Crown Point overland, Arnold ordered the post abandoned and fell back to Fort Ticonderoga. Having taken control of the lake, Carleton quickly occupied Crown Point. After lingering for two weeks, he determined that it was too late in the season to continue the campaign and withdrew north into winter quarters. Though a tactical defeat, the Battle of Valcour Island was critical strategic victory for Arnold as it prevented an invasion from the north in 1776. The delay caused by the naval race and battle gave the Americans an additional year to stabilize the northern front and prepare for the campaign that would culminate with the decisive victory at the Battles of Saratoga.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lord of the Flies by William Golding - Book Review

'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding - Book Review Lord of the Flies, a 1954 story of savagery and survival by  William Golding, is considered a classic. Modern Library rates it the 41st best novel of all time. The story, which takes place during an undefined war, begins when a group of English schoolboys survive a plane crash and find themselves stranded on a desert island without any adults. This might seem like an enticing opportunity for any teen seeking freedom, but the group soon degenerates into a mob, terrorizing and even killing each other. The Plot Without the usual authority figures to direct the boys, they must fend for themselves. Ralph, one of the boys, takes on a leadership position. He knows little more than any of the others, but he manages to gather them in one place and is voted leader. At his side is the compassionate, clever, but fatally clumsy Piggy, a nicely rendered character who serves as Ralphs conscience.Ralphs election is contested by Jack, a cool customer with his own squadron of followers, a former choir under his leadership. Jack is a force of nature with intentions of leading hunting parties deep into the primordial jungle. With Piggys planning, Ralphs reluctant leadership and Jacks energy, the castaways establish a successful, thriving village, at least for a day or two. Soon, the few sensible efforts such as keeping a fire burning at all times fall by the wayside.Jack grows bored, restless and resentful of Ralphs leadership position. With his hunters in tow, Jack splits off from the main group. From there, the rest of the book consists of the descent of Jacks tribe into base brutality. As Jack successfully recruits more boys, Ralph becomes more isolated. Then, Jacks tribe kills Piggy his glasses smashed in a moment of symbolism, signaling the end of rational thought and civilized behavior. Pig Worship Jacks tribe hunts and kills a real pig, and sticks the head of the animal on a spear. Group members paint their faces and begin a frenzied worship of the pigs head, including sacrifices to the beast. Golding later explained that the pigs head the lord of the flies is literally translated from the biblical Hebrew, Beelzababug, which is another name for Satan. During this satanic worship, the boys kill one another of their own, Simon. The Rescue Jacks troop having honed their hunting skills move in on Ralph. There is no use appealing to their better nature now. They have abandoned all compassion. Ralph is cornered and seems a goner when suddenly an adult a naval officer arrives on the beach, with his uniform gleaming. His appearance puts everyone in a state of shock. The officer is disgusted with the savagery of the boys, but then he eyes his cruiser in the distance. He has saved the children from their violent world, but hes about to pile them onto a military vessel, where savagery and violence will ostensibly continue. Goldings description on the final page of the novel clarifies the symbolic overtones: The officer ... prepares to take the children off the island in a cruiser which will presently be hunting its enemy in the same implacable way. And who will rescue the adult and his cruiser?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Law for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Law for business - Essay Example Sharma for injury of her son. In business transactions there are certain terms and conditions which are eithor clearly mentioned at the time of making the contract or these might be implied be the law. When these conditions are express and are not otherwise contradictory to the legal provisions enacted in the country, these conditions are legal and are liable to be upheld by the court of law. However, these conditions are not express in the contract. Here a question raises that if there is no expressly defined contract between the buyer and the seller, then how a buyer can protect his rights? This gap is filled by some implied conditions in form of implied warranties and guarentees in any sale of goods. These implied terms are important because it is not always possible to enter into a written contract everytime, when thre is a sale. warranty of fitness for a particular purpos is one of these warranties. As per Section 14 (2) of Sales of Goods Act 19791, (Sales of Goods Act, 1979) the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory quality and for the purpose of its usage. Section (2) (b) speaks of the satisfactory quality of goods including their state and condition including its appearance and finishing, safety, freedom from defects and durability etc. However, there is no requirement for satisfactory quality if attention of the buyer is drawn before finalizing of contract or if buyer examines the goods for defects beforehand/prior to making contract. As per Section 2 of Consumer Protection Act 19872, (Consumer Protection Act, 1987) if damage is caused, wholly or partly, by defect in the product, the producer of the product and the person who imported or supplied the product shall be liable for damage. Similarly, as per judgment in (KG